List of norm-related clinical studies – Welch Allyn CP 200 Spirometry Option - User Manual User Manual
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Directions for Use
Appendix D Predictive Norms, etc.
List of Norm-Related Clinical Studies
Each of the following studies provides expected values for various spirometric parameters
by measuring significant samples of a particular population.
Clinical Study
Berglund 1963
Reference Spirometric Studies in Normal Subjects: Forced Expiratograms in Subjects 7-70 Years of Age, Berglund, et. al.,
Acta Medica Scandinavica, volume 173, 1963.
Crapo 1981
Reference Spirometric Values using Techniques and Equipment that Meet ATS Recommendations, Crapo, et. al., American
Review of Respiratory Disease 1981, 123:659-664.
Dockery 1983
Distribution of Forced Vital Capacity and Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second in Children 6-11 Years of Age, Dockery,
et. al., American Review of Respiratory Disease 1983, 128:405-412.
Lung Volumes and Forced Ventilatory Flows: Official Statement of the European Respiratory Society, Quanjer, et. al.,
European Respiratory Journal, 1993, supplement 16: 5-40.
Falaschetti 2004
Prediction equations for normal and low lung function from the Health Survey for England, E. Falaschetti, J. Laiho,
P. Primatesta, S. Purdon; European Respiratory Journal 2004; 23: 456–463.
Forche II
Equations acquired from the Spirometry Norm Study from Dr. Günter Forche, Prim. Univ. Doz.
Gore 1995
Spirometric standards for healthy adult lifetime nonsmokers in Australia, C.J. Gore, A.J. Crockett. D.G. Pederson, M.L.
Booth, A. Bauman, N. Owen; European Respiratory Journal 1995. 8: 773-782.
Gulsvik 2001
Forced Spirometry Reference Values for Norwegian Adults: The Bronchial Obstruction in Nord-Trondelag Study,
Langammer, Gulsvik , et. al., European Respiratory Journal 2001, 18: 770-779.
Hedenström 1986
Reference Values for Lung Function Tests in Men: Regression Equations With Smoking Variables, Hedenström, et. al.,
Upsala Journal of Medicine Science 91:299-310, 1986.
Hibbert 1989
Lung Function Values From a Longitudinal Study of Healthy Children and Adolescents; Marienne E. Hibbert, Anna
Lannigan, Louis I. Landau, Peter D. Phelan; Pediatric Pulmonology 7:101-109.
Hsu 1979
Ventilatory Functions of Normal Children and Young Adults — Mexican American, White and Black, Katharine HK Hsu, et.
al., Journal of Pediatrics, July 1979, volume 95, 14-23.
Knudson 1976
The Maximal Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve Normal Standards, Variability, and Effects of Age, Ronald J. Knudson, Ronald
C. Slatin, Michael D. Lebowitz, and Benjamin Burrows, et. al., American Review of Respiratory Disease, volume 113, 1976.
Knudson 1983
Change in the Normal Expiratory Flow Volume Curve With Growth and Aging, Ronald Knudson, et. al., American Review of
Respiratory Disease, 1983, 127, 725-734.
Koillinen 1998
Terveiden suomalaislasten spirometrian ja uloshengityksen huippuvirtauksen viitearvot, Hannele Koillinen, et. al., Suomen
Lääkärilehti, 1998, 395-402.
Kory 1961
The Veterans Administration Army Cooperative Study of Pulmonary Function, Clinical Spirometry in Normal Men, Kory, et.
al., American Journal of Medicine, February 1961.
Morris 1971
Spirometric Standards for Healthy Non-smoking Adults, James F. Morris, et. al., American Review of Respiratory Disease,
volume 103, 1971.
Spirometric Reference Values from a Sample of the General U.S. Population, John L. Hankinson, John R. Odencrantz, and
Kathleen B. Fedan, et. al., Division of Respiratory Disease Studies, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morgantown, West Virginia, 1999. The Third National Health And Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES III).
Paoletti 1986
Reference Values for Vital Capacity and Flow-Volume Curves From a General Population Study; P. Paoletti, G. Pistelli, P.
Fazzi, et. al.; Bulletin Européen de Physiopathologie Respiratoire,1986, 22, 451-459.
Polgar 1971
Pulmonary Function Testing in Children: Techniques and Standards, Polgar and Promadhat.1971.