29 pulses per revolution, 30 belt length, 31 pulses per unit measure – Rice Lake BCi Belt Scale - Installation & Operation Manual Version 2.00 User Manual

Page 49: 32 test duration, 33 tons per pulse (output), 34 pulse duty cycle (in seconds), 35 alarm - low rate alarm value (%), 36 maximum speed value, 37 low rate alarm bit, 38 high rate alarm bit

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Installation & Operation Manual - Supervisor Mode Parameters


4.29 Pulses per Revolution

This value is the number of pulses recorded for a
complete revolution of the belt. This value can be
recorded and entered manually in the event of a
complete integrator replacement.

The default value for this parameter is: 3600.

4.30 Belt Length

This is the total length of the conveyor belt. This value
can be recorded and entered manually in the event of a
complete integrator replacement. An easy way to
measure the belt length is to spray paint a marking on
the belt. Run a tape measure down to the other end
and times it by two to get the total belt length.

Enter the total belt length being used in this system
using the numeric keypad. Press the


key to save

that value.

The default value for this parameter is: 600.

4.31 Pulses Per Unit Measure

This parameter is a result of how many pulses the
integrator needs to count for the belt to move just one
unit of measure. The BCi calculates this during a
speed calibration.

The default value for this parameter is: 6.0.

4.32 Test Duration

T h i s p a ra m e t e r i s t h e v a l u e u s e d f o r a t i m e d
calibration. This value is represented in seconds. Enter
the desired length of time to run the timed calibration
using the numeric keypad and press


to save that


It should be noted that per Handbook 44, the
requirement to test at least three revolutions of the
belt. So based on the length of time it takes for a
complete revolution, times that by three to get your

The default value for this parameter is: 60 seconds.

4.33 Tons per Pulse (output)

T h i s p a r a m e t e r d e f i n e s h o w m a n y t o n s a r e
accumulated to generate a pulse output for a remote
totalizer. This is a numeric value that can be keyed in
using the BCi numeric keypad and sends a pulse out
of slot 0, bit 2 on the main CPU board of the BCi.

The default value for this parameter is 0.1.

4.34 Pulse Duty Cycle (in seconds)

This parameter defines how long the above output
(tons per pulse) stays on. This is required for older
model PLC’s in order for the pulse to be recognized.
This is a numeric value that can be keyed in using the
BCi numeric keypad.

The value is a representation of seconds and its default
value is 0.25 seconds.

4.35 Alarm - Low Rate Alarm Value (%)

There are several alarm parameters that are set in
place for the proper operation of the BCi belt scale.
These alarms are needed for the proper operation of
the scale and can be used for troubleshooting
purposes. Special digital input/output option cards
must be installed for the alarms to work.

This parameter defines which output will energize for
the low rate alarm.

The default value for this parameter is: 0.

4.36 Maximum Speed Value

The value that is needed to determine an over speed
condition. Default value is 300.

4.37 Low Rate Alarm Bit

This parameter defines which output will energize for
the low rate alarm.

The default value for this parameter is: 0.

4.38 High Rate Alarm Bit

This parameter defines which output will energize for
the high rate alarm.

The default value for this parameter is: 0.

4.39 Speed Alarm Bit

This parameter defines which output will energize for
the high speed alarm.

The default value for this parameter is: 0.

4.40 Totalizer Pulse Bit

This parameter defines the bit for the totalizer pulse

The default parameter for this value is 1.

4.41 Fill Output Bit

This parameter defines the bit used for the fill output.
The default parameter for this value is 2.