Troughing angle, 5 poor choices for belt scale installations – Rice Lake BCi Belt Scale - Installation & Operation Manual Version 2.00 User Manual
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Installation & Operation Manual
Troughing Angle
The use of idlers with steep troughing angles causes many problems. Not only does the bean or catenary effect of
the belt become more pronounced as the toughing increases, but the effect of idler misalignment is amplified as
well. The graphics below show an example of a correct and an incorrect troughing angles.
Troughing angles of 35 degrees or less are preferred for all high accuracy installations. Troughing angles of 45
degrees are acceptable under certain conditions.
Figure 1-14. Troughing Angle Examples
Poor Choices for Belt Scale Installations
There are several instances where a belt scale installation would not be the best solution. The following list
points these out.
Conveyors with multiple loading points
Conveyors with convex or concave curves
Conveyors with different stringer members in troughing rolls
Conveyors that do not receive periodic inspections and housekeeping
Conveyors where there is no facility to conduct a simulated test
Conveyors that are used in cold weather that are not installed in a heated conveyor gallery
Tripper conveyors
Radial stacking conveyors
Applications where the belt scale results are compared with a marine draft survey
Applications where the belt scale weighment is subject to certification but the conveyor does not meet
Handbook 44 requirements.
Applications where plant personnel are unwilling or unable to perform routine conveyor maintenance
Conveyors with more than 2-ply belting
Conveyors that are installed outdoors, but are not equipped with a cover over the carry belt.