Elecraft KX3 Programmers Reference User Manual
Page 21
SB * (Sub Receiver or Dual Watch On/Off)
SET/RSP format: SBn; where n is 0 (sub receiver or dual watch off) or 1 (on). K3: Sub RX; KX3: Dual watch.
SD (QSK Delay, GET only)
SET/RSP format: SDnnnn; where nnnn is the semi-break-in delay in 50-ms increments. Provided for backwards
compatibility with older applications. If the K3 is in full QSK mode, SD will still read the same value even though
the actual break-in delay is set to as close to 0 as possible.
SM $ (S-meter Read; GET only)
Basic RSP format: SMnnnn; where nnnn is 0000-0015. Examples: S9=6; S9+20=9; S9+40=12; S9+60=15.
K3 Extended RSP format (K31): nnnn is 0000-0021. S9=9; S9+20=13; S9+40=17; S9+60=21.
This command can be used to obtain either the main (SM) or sub (SM$) S-meter readings. Returns 0000 in transmit
mode. Also see BG and BA, which can be used to read exact bargraph levels in both receive and transmit modes.
SMH (High-resolution S-meter Read; GET only; K3 only at present)
RSP format: SMHnnn; where nnn has the following approximate values vs. S-meter reading: S1, 5; S9, 40;
S9+60, 100. Max possible value is about 140.
SP (Special Functions)
SPG; (KX3) returns ADC ground-reference reading, typically SP000.
SQ $ (Squelch Level; GET/SET)
SET/RSP format: SQnnn; or SQ$nnn; where nnn is 000-029. If the K3’s CONFIG:SQ MAIN menu entry is set
to a numeric value (0-29), then SQ and SQ$ apply to main and sub receivers, respectively, and the SUB RF/SQL
pot on the K3 controls SUB RF GAIN. However, if SQ MAIN is set to =SUB POT, then SQ and SQ$ are linked
(either applies to both receivers), and the SUB RF/SQL pot controls squelch for both receivers as well. (Also in this
case, the MAIN RF gain pot controls RF gain for both main and sub.)
Note: The SQ command in the K2 used the same format but different units.