Elecraft KX3 Programmers Reference User Manual

Page 14

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K3 * (Command Mode; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: K3n; where n is 0-1. If n is 1, enables K3-specific command extensions to legacy “2-letter”
commands. Not needed for new commands that are unique to the K3. In most cases the effects of the K3 command
are independent from those of the K2 command (see above), and the two can both be non-zero at the same time.
The FW command is an exception; see meta-commands and FW for details. BW is a non-modal version of FW
that is preferred in switch macros and when AI modes aren’t used.

KS (Keyer Speed; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: KSnnn; where nnn is 008-050 (8-50 WPM).

KY (CW or CW-to-DATA Keying from Text; GET/SET)

SET format: KY*[text]; where * is normally a BLANK and [text] is 0 to 24 characters. If * is a W (for “wait”),
processing of any following host commands will be delayed until the current message has been sent. This is useful
when a KY command is followed by other commands that may have side-effects, e.g., KS (keyer speed).
Basic RSP format: KYn; where n is 0 (CW text buffer not full) or 1 (buffer full). Also see TB command.
K2 Extended RSP format (K22): KYn; where n is 0 (buffer < 75% full), 1 (buffer > 75% full), or 2 (buffer
completely empty AND transmit of previous string is complete.

The following keyboard characters are mapped to CW "prosigns":

( KN

+ AR

= BT

% AS

* SK

! VE

In addition to these prosigns, these special characters can be inserted anywhere in the KY command text:

< Puts the K3 into TX TEST mode, until a '>' character is received
> Returns the K3 to TX NORM mode
@ In CW mode, this character normally terminates any CW message (via KY or manual send),
emulating the K2. However, tapping 2 in CONFIG:CW WGHT changes ‘@’ to a prosign:
the ‘at’ sign as used in e-mail addresses. This is the newest Morse Code character;
it can be remembered as the prosign ‘AC’ (as in “the At Character”).
^D (EOT, ASCII 04) Quickly terminates transmission; use with CW-to-DATA.

LK $ (VFO Lock; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: LKn; where n is 0 (VFO unlocked) or 1 (locked).

LN * (Link VFOs; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: LNn; where n is 0 (VFOs unlinked) or 1 (linked).

MC (Memory Channel; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: MCnnn; where nnn is the memory # (or channel). Regular memories are 000-099. Per-band
quick memories: nnn = 100 + bandNum * 4 + Mn – 1. For bandNum, see BN. Mn is 1 - 4, i.e. M1 -M4 tap.
Notes: (1) A SET is ignored if the target memory is invalid. (2) K3 only: If CONFIG:MEM0-9 = BAND SEL,
then memories 000-009 only (“Quick memories”) will recall the last-used VFO frequencies in the target band, not
fixed frequencies. (3) Switching to any regular memory (000-099) updates the K3’s default V>M /M>V memory
number; this is not the case when switching to Per-Band Quick memories (M1 -M4 ). (4) Switching to any memory
tagged with ‘*’ as the first character in its label enables channel-hop scanning (see K3/KX3 Owner’s manual).

MD $ (Operating Mode; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: MDn; or MD$n; where n is 1 (LSB), 2 (USB), 3 (CW), 4 (FM), 5 (AM), 6 (DATA), 7 (CW-
REV), or 9 (DATA-REV). Notes: (1) K3 only: In Diversity Mode (accessed by holding


), sending MDn;

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