Elecraft KX3 Programmers Reference User Manual

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PS (Transceiver Power Status; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: PSn; where n = 1 indicates transceiver on. Note: PS0 turns the transceiver off, but this removes
power, so PS1 cannot be used to turn it on. To turn power on, the K3’s POWER_ON line (aux I/O jack) must be
pulled low by an external device, or it can be turned on manually using the power switch.

RA $ (Receive Attenuator Control; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: RAnn; or RA$nn; where nn is 00 (attenuator OFF) or 01 (attenuator ON). Note: Unlike the
main receiver, the sub receiver’s attenuator setting is not per-RX ANT state.

RC (RIT Clear; SET only)

SET format: RC; (no data). Sets RIT/XIT offset to zero, even if RIT and XIT are both turned off (the change will
be reflected when either RIT or XIT is turned on). Note: This command behaves differently in FINE RIT mode in
the case of the K2. Refer to the KIO2 Programmer’s Reference.

RD (RIT Offset Down One Unit; SET only)

SET format: RD; (no data). Moves the RIT/XIT offset down one step, which can be 1, 10, 20, or 50 Hz,
depending the present VFO tuning rate. If the user has selected COARSE VFO tuning, RD moves either 20 or 50
Hz, as specified by CONFIG:VFO FST. The offset change occurs even if RIT and XIT are both turned off (the
change will be reflected when either RIT or XIT is turned on). RIT/XIT offset range under computer control is
-9.999 to +9.999 kHz. VFO step size is stored per-mode. Use the IF command to check the present RIT/XIT offset
amount. Note: Both the RD and RU commands behave differently in the case of the K2 when FINE RIT mode is in
effect. Refer to the KIO2 Programmer’s Reference.

RG $ (RF Gain; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: RGnnn; or RG$nnn; where nnn is 000-250. On the KX3, 250 = maximum RF gain (that is,
attenuation of –0 dB), and 190 = -60 dB.

RO (RIT/XIT Offset, Absolute; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: ROsnnnn; where s is +/- and nnnn is 0000-9999. s can also be a space in lieu of +.

RT (RIT Control; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: RTn; where n is 0 (RIT OFF) or 1 (RIT ON). RIT is disabled in QRQ CW mode.

RU (RIT Offset Up One Unit; SET only)

See RD command.

RV (Firmware Revisions; GET only)

GET format: RVx; where x is M (MCU), D (Main DSP), A (Aux DSP, K3), R (DVR, K3), or F (Front Panel
flash, K3).
RSP format: RVxNN.NN where NN.NN is the firmware revision, e.g. 02.37. If a module isn’t present, or an
unknown module ID is requested, the revision is normally reported as 99.99. A module that is present but
malfunctioning may return revision 00.00.

RX (Receive Mode; SET only)

SET format: RX; (no data). Terminates transmit in all modes, including message play and repeating messages.
RX/TX status is available via the TQ command and is also included in the IF response. Note: RX is not usable in
CW mode in the K2.

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