Elecraft KX3 Programmers Reference User Manual

Page 13

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ID (Transceiver Identifier; GET only)

RSP format: IDnnn; where nnn is 017. This command is provided only for compatibility with existing software,
which may use ID in order to distinguish between transceivers. New or modified software should send the K3
command to the transceiver; if a K3n; response is received, the computer must be connected to a K3 or KX3. The
K3 and KX3 can be differentiated from each other using the OM command.

IF (Transceiver Information; GET only)

RSP format: IF[f]*****+yyyyrx*00tmvspbd1*; where the fields are defined as follows:


Operating frequency, excluding any RIT/XIT offset (11 digits; see FA command format)


represents a space (BLANK, or ASCII 0x20)


either "+" or "-" (sign of RIT/XIT offset)

yyyy RIT/XIT offset in Hz (range is -9999 to +9999 Hz when computer-controlled)

1 if RIT is on, 0 if off


1 if XIT is on, 0 if off


1 if the K3 is in transmit mode, 0 if receive


operating mode (see MD command)


receive-mode VFO selection, 0 for VFO A, 1 for VFO B


1 if scan is in progress, 0 otherwise


1 if the transceiver is in split mode, 0 otherwise


Basic RSP format: always 0; K2 Extended RSP format (K22): 1 if present IF response
is due to a band change; 0 otherwise


Basic RSP format: always 0; K3 Extended RSP format (K31): DATA sub-mode,
if applicable (0=DATA A, 1=AFSK A, 2= FSK D, 3=PSK D)

The fixed-value fields (space, 0, and 1) are provided for syntactic compatibility with existing software.

IO (KX3, Internal Use Only)

SET/RSP format: TBD.

IS (I.F. Shift; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: IS*nnnn; where * is a space, and nnnn is the AF center frequency (Fc) in Hz. The SET value
may be altered based on the present mode; a subsequent IS GET reports the value used. The nominal Fc (i.e., with
no SHIFT) varies with mode, and in CW or DATA modes will also vary with PITCH. To center the passband, send
IS 9xxx; (xxx must be digits, but are ignored). A subsequent IS read will then return the center frequency.

Notes: In AM-Sync mode, send IS 1400 / IS 1600 to shift to LSB / USB. This doesn’t actually shift the AF
passband; an IS get will return IS 1500 in AM-Sync because AF Fc remains at 1500 Hz. To determine which
sideband is in use for AM sync, see the IC command. In AI2/3 modes, moving the physical SHIFT control results
in both IS and FW responses (shift and width). In diversity mode, an IS command also shifts the sub receiver, and
FA/FB/FR/FT commands may be generated. IS is not applicable to FM mode or QRQ CW mode.

K2 (K2 Command Mode; GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: K2n; where n is 0-3. If non-zero, enables K2 command extensions to legacy “2-letter”
commands. (These apply to the K3 as well.) In most cases the effects of the K2 command are independent from
those of the K3 command (see below), and the two can both be non-zero at the same time. The FW command is an
exception; see meta-commands and FW for details. BW is a non-modal version of FW that is preferred in switch
macros and when AI modes aren’t used.

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