Accessing online documentation, Getting help, Accessing online documentation -12 – Dell OptiPlex E1 User Manual
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Dell OptiPlex E1 Mini Tower Managed PC Reference and Installation Guide
The system finds the hardware device driver on the hard-disk drive and installs it.
The system continues its start-up routine. When Windows 95 finishes loading, a
dialog box appears and informs you that the system configuration settings have
changed and asks if you want to restart your system.
The online
System User’s Guide installed on your hard-disk drive contains information
on the following topics:
Using the online
System User’s Guide
System features
Using drivers and utilities
Using the audio controller
Using the System Setup program
Configuring expansion cards
Securing your computer
Connecting external devices
Maintaining the system
Contacting Dell
The guide also contains a glossary of commonly used terms and abbreviations.
The online
System User’s Guide is located in the Dell Accessories folder.
To print any of the topics from this guide, display the topic you want on your screen
and select Print Topic from the File menu.
Dell provides a number of tools to help you if you don’t understand a procedure
described in this guide or if your system does not perform as expected. For informa-
tion on these help tools, see the chapter titled “Getting Help” in your
Diagnostics and
Troubleshooting Guide or the “Contacting Dell” section in the online System User’s