Bio-Rad Model 680 Microplate Reader Accessories User Manual
Page 50
Microplate Manager User Guide
To set absorbance limits, select the appropriate checkbox(es) and enter ODs in the
appropriate field(s).
Note that if you have elected to ratio a dual wavelength measurement in the main
Kinetic Protocol window (see page 26), the Analysis Options dialog box will
contain fields to set the ratio limits of the reading (enter a measurement/reference
ratio in each field).
Figure 31. Ratio limits in the Analysis Options dialog box.
If none of the limit checkboxes is selected, then all data points will be included in the
velocity calculations.
There are two methods for calculating Kinetic velocities. The first fits a line to the
entire data set and defines the reaction velocity as the slope of this line. The second
fits a line to every subsegment of n points, where n is specified by the user, and
identifies the greatest velocity from among these segments.
Under Kinetic Mode, select one of the following options:
• Velocity. The Kinetic velocity (slope of the absorbance versus time curve) will
be calculated by linear regression using all the data points. If time or absorbance
limits are selected, then all the data points within the selected range are used in
the velocity calculations.
• Max. Velocity. Kinetic velocities will be calculated for overlapping segments of
the reaction, and the maximum velocity will be reported. You then select the
number of data points to include in each segment of the reaction; the minimum
number of points is two. The first segment begins with the first data point and
extends for the number of points you have selected. The second segment begins
with the second data point, the third segment with the third data point, etc.