Bio-Rad Model 680 Microplate Reader Accessories User Manual
Page 27
Chapter 3. Getting Started
After inserting your plate into the reader, you click on Run and the reader begins
collecting data. At this point, both the template and the Kinetic Plots Report
automatically pop up.
The Kinetic Plots Report shows a graph of absorbance versus time for each well. As
each reading is completed, the graphs are updated. After all of the data has been read,
you can display any relevant report (Limit, Control, etc.) by selecting it from the
VIEW menu. To change the velocity calculation, you go to Analysis Options... under
the OPTIONS menu and select one of the two calculation methods under Kinetic
Mode. When you click on OK, the velocities are automatically recalculated.
Scenario 3. Using External Standards and Curve
You are running the same assay on many samples. To increase throughput, you
would like to place a set of standards on the first plate and then use those to
determine unknown concentrations on all subsequent plates. Near the end of the day,
you want to check the consistency of the readings by comparing the external
standards (from the first plate) to a fresh set of standards.
First, you measure the absorbances of the standards on Plate 1 and save the resulting
data as Data File 1. Next, while creating a Protocol File for all subsequent data
collection, open the Standard Curve Report or Unknown Concentration Report
and select External Standards... from the OPTIONS menu. Choose Data File 1 as
the source file for the external standards. Now the unknown concentrations on all
plates read using this new Protocol File will automatically be calculated using the
standards from Plate 1.
To compare a new standard curve to the external standard curve (from Plate 1),
define standards on the new plate (internal standards) and run the plate. When the
data is displayed, open the Standard Curve Report and select External Standards...
from the OPTIONS menu. Choose Data File 1 as the source file for the external
standards. Both the internal and external standard curves will be displayed. Now
select Analysis of Variance... from the OPTIONS menu and a statistical summary of
the comparison of the two curves will be displayed.