Bio-Rad Bio-Plex® 200 Systems User Manual

Page 43

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Section 7
Warranty Statement

This warranty statement may vary outside of the continental United States. Please contact your
local Bio-Rad office for the exact terms of your warranty.

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. warrants to the customer that the Bio-Plex


200 system (catalog

#171-000201, 171-000203, 171-000205, and 171-000207) will be free from defects in materials
and workmanship, and will meet all performance specifications for the period of 1 year from the
date of shipment. If such defects appear within this period, the defective part(s) will be replaced
or the entire unit will be replaced, at Bio-Rad’s option, free of any charges to the buyer other
than expenses incurred in returning the unit to the factory. Bio-Rad’s obligation under this
warranty is specifically limited to the aforementioned replacement or repairs. However, the
following defects are specifically excluded:


Defects caused by improper operation.


Repair or modification done by anyone other than Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. or their agent.


Damage due to use of sheath fluid not specified by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.


Damage due to use with bead-based assay reagents not specified by Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Inc.


Damage due to use with calibration and validation reagents not specified by Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Inc.


Damage caused by deliberate or accidental misuse.


Damage caused by disaster.


Damage resulting from facility problems such as power surges.

The foregoing obligations are in lieu of all other obligations and liabilities including negligence
and all warranties, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, expressed or
implied in fact or by law, and state Bio-Rad’s entire and exclusive liability and Buyer’s exclusive
remedy for any claims or damages in connection with the furnishing of goods or parts, their
design, suitability for use, installation or operation, Bio-Rad will in no event be liable for any
special, incidental or consequential damages whatsoever, and Bio-Rad’s liability under no
circumstances will exceed the contract price for the goods for which liability is claimed.

No rights or licenses under any of Luminex Corporation's patents are granted by or shall be implied
from the sale or acquisition of this Bio-Plex 200 system containing Luminex technology (the
"System") to you, the end-user. By using this System, you agree that (i) the System is sold only for
use with fluorescently labeled microsphere beads authorized by Luminex ("Beads"), and (ii) you
obtain rights under Luminex's patents to use this System by registering this System with Bio-Rad in
accordance with the instructions accompanying this System and purchasing a kit containing Beads.

Computer equipment is supplied by an independent vendor. Should you encounter any problem
with the computer equipment within 30 days, Bio-Rad will assume responsibility for replacement.
Should the problem occur after 30 days, you will be covered by the normal warranty terms and
will be put in direct contact with the vendor.