1 troubleshooting guide for bio-plex, 200 system – Bio-Rad Bio-Plex® 200 Systems User Manual

Page 35

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Section 5

5.1 Troubleshooting Guide for Bio-Plex


200 System

Problem Possible



Bio-Plex Manager™

Most Likely:

has detected a problem with
low bead number.

Too few beads in the assay

Check bead number calculations.

Plate not shaken

Remove plate from array reader

10 min before analysis

and shake for 10 sec.

Buffer volume in wells is too

Resuspend in 125 µl.

low (must be at least 125 µl)

Perform Remove Bubbles.

Microbubble in cuvette

Perform Remove Bubbles.
Perform Unclog to verify fluidics

Low/no sheath fluid

Refill sheath fluid, check sheath
connections. Perform Start Up.

Possible clog

Perform Unclog and rerun. If
unsuccessful, repeat. Remove
needle (Figure 15) and sonicate in
cleaning solution or 10% bleach for
15 min. If still unsuccessful, contact
Technical Support.

Less Likely:

Incorrect needle height

Adjust needle height.

Incompatible plate type used

Replace with flat bottom or filter
plate and adjust needle height.

Vacuum system not

Calibrate vacuum system.


Red laser failure

Contact technical service.

Filter plate not flat

Check filter plate flatness.

Leaky filter plate

1. Check for liquid under plate on

microplate platform.

2. Check vacuum apparatus used

to prepare sample plate. Make
sure vacuum is below 5 in Hg.

3. Check needle height.

Incompatible suspension

Check buffer compatibility.



