ClearOne MAXAttach IP User Manual

Page 16

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Chapter 2: Getting Started 13


g729ab_priority> - The G.729 audio codec Priority.

Default Value: 250
Allowable Range: 1 (Lowest) to 255 (Highest)


g7231_63_priority> - The G.723.1 low rate audio codec Priority.

Default Value: 245
Allowable Range: 1 (Lowest) to 255 (Highest)


g7231_53_priority> - The G.723.1 low rate audio codec Priority.

Default Value: 240
Allowable Range: 1 (Lowest) to 255 (Highest)


vad_thresh> - The Audio Threshhold level for the system.

Default Value: -20
Allowable Range: -50 (Lowest) to 255 (Highest)


adaptive_vad> - Enable or Disable the Adaptive capabilities of the phone.

Default Value: 0
Allowable Range:

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

Phone Book: Add, Edit and Delete Number

See Phone Book: Add, Edit and Delete Number screen on page 25 for information on how to set this parameter
through the Web Portal.

speed_dial_0> through <speed_dial_9> - Speed Dial 0 through 9.

Default Value: Undefined
Allowable Range: Valid Phone Number [0-9]