LaMotte TC-3000 Tri-Meter User Manual
Page 55

Calibration Procedure
The meter should be calibrated with platinum cobalt color standards. For the most
accurate results, a user calibration should be performed with LaMotte Color
Standards. The calibration should be done with a distilled or deionized water blank
and one color standard of known concentration. The concentration of the calibration
standard should be similar to the expected concentration of samples that will be
1. Press
ON to turn the meter on.
1 . 3
2. Press
*IOK to select Measure.
M a i n M e n u
* M e a s u r e
D a t a L o g g i n g
O p t i o n s
1 6 : 0 2 : 1 9
0 1 / 0 4 / 0 5
3. Scroll down and then press *I
OK to
select Color.
M e a s u r e
T u r b i d i t y
* C o l o r
C h l o r i n e
1 6 : 0 2 : 1 9
0 1 / 0 4 / 0 5
4. Rinse a clean tube (0290) with
color-free (distilled or deionized)
water. Fill the tube to the 10 mL
line with color-free water. Dry the
tube with a lint-free cloth. Put on a
dry positioning ring. Cap the tube.
5. Open the meter lid. Insert the tube
into the chamber. Align the index
notch on the positioning ring with
the index arrow on the meter. Close
the lid and press
*IOK to select
Scan Blank
C o l o r
* S c a n B l a n k
1 6 : 0 2 : 1 9
0 1 / 0 4 / 0 5