LaMotte TC-3000 Tri-Meter User Manual
Page 45

Dilution Procedures
Samples should be diluted with Chlorine Demand Free Water. To prepare Chlorine
Demand Free water follow the procedure in Standard Methods for the Analysis of
Water and Wastewater.
Standard Solutions
Standard solutions should be prepared from a sodium hypochlorite solution and
chlorine demand free water. The concentration of the standards should be verified by a
Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate titration. An approximately 250 ppm chlorine standard
(Code 6973-H, 60 mL) and a Chlorine titration kit (Code 3176-01) are available
from LaMotte Company.
Calibration Procedure
The meter should be calibrated with free chlorine standards. The calibration should be
done with a distilled or deionized water blank and one chlorine standard of known
concentration. The concentration of the calibration standard should be similar to the
expected concentration of samples that will be tested. The default reagent system is
DPD Tablets.
TABLETS (Tablet calibration should be selected in the Options menu)
1. Press
ON to turn the meter on.
1 . 3
2. Press
*IOK to select Measure.
M a i n M e n u
* M e a s u r e
D a t a L o g g i n g
O p t i o n s
1 6 : 0 2 : 1 9
0 1 / 0 4 / 0 5
3. Scroll down and then press
to select Chlorine.
M e a s u r e
T u r b i d i t y
C o l o r
* C h l o r i n e
1 6 : 0 2 : 1 9
0 1 / 0 4 / 0 5