Tweco 6000GST Merlin Plasma Cutting CE Slave Power Supply User Manual

Page 43

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Manual 0-2653



Auto Piot Restart provides an immediate pilot arc re-
start during post-flow if the torch is brought within
range of the workpiece.


Auto Pilot Restart is factory set to be disabled.

Disabling Auto Pilot Restart improves parts life by
preventing extra pilot restarts at the end of a cut when
pilot is not needed. In some cases auto pilot restart
may be required when cutting over holes, wide kerfs,
expanded metal, etc.

When using oxygen (O


) plasma, Auto Pilot Restart

is not normally available but may be enabled if re-
quired (contact the the factory or authorized distribu-
tor for instructions).

For all other gases , Auto Pilot Restart is selected by
setting both SW1-1 and SW1-2 to '0' (off). With this
setting pilot will restart immediatly when the cutting
arc is lost, if torch remains activated.


Either pole set to 1 (on) disables auto-restart func-

A u to -R es ta rt

F u n cti o n

SW 1 -1

Po s itio n

SW 1 -2

Po s itio n

Ena ble d

0 (O ff)

0 (O ff)

D isa ble d

0 (O ff)

1 (O n)

D isa ble d

1 (O n)

0 (O ff)

D isa ble d *

1 (O n)

1 (O n)

* = F acto ry Se ttin g

B. Delayed Restart Mode (SW2)



1 2



Logic PC Board

Figure 4-9 Delayed Restart Mode Switch SW2


When the torch is first activated there is a delay
called"preflow" that allows plasma gas to flow be-
fore the pilot arc starts. For plasma gases other than
oxygen (O


), if the plasma is already flowing (still in

"postflow" from a previous operation) pilot starts im-
mediately without the delay. This may not always
be desirable.

To always go through "preflow", select Delayed Re-
start by setting SW2-1 & SW2-2 to '1' (on). When
oxygen (O


) plasma is selected, because there is no

"postflow" of plasma gas, Delayed Restart is auto-
matically activated no matter how SW2 is set.


Either pole set to 1 (on) sets delayed auto-restart

D e laye d

R e start Mo d e

SW 2-1

Po sitio n

SW 2-2

Po sitio n

N o rmal *

0 (O ff)

0 (O ff)

D e laye d

0 (O ff)

1 (O n)

D e laye d

1 (O n)

0 (O ff)

D e laye d

1 (O n)

1 (O n)

* = F actory Sett ing