E-flite F-4 Phantom 32 DF User Manual
Page 19

E-flite F-4 Phantom 32 DF Assembly Manual
2. Use a pencil to draw a centerline on the
unpainted side of the landing gear door. Draw two
lines on the door that are 1-inch (24mm) and 1
inch (44mm) from the top edge of the landing gear
door as the center lines for the mounting blocks.
3. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit
to drill four holes in the landing gear door that are
5/32-inch (4mm) from the centerline along the
lines drawn in the previous step.
4. Use a straight edge or ruler to lightly bend the
landing gear door along the center line so it will
rest tightly against the wing when the gear are
retracted. Work slowly to avoid cracking the paint
on the outside of the landing gear door.
5. Locate the landing gear door blocks. Use a
sanding block and medium grit sandpaper to sand
an angle on the notched side, so the block will rest
flat against the angle of the landing gear door.
Prepare both blocks at this time.
6. Rest the landing gear door block on the gear
door, centering it on the lines previously drawn.
Use a pencil to transfer the mounting holes from the
landing gear door onto the block.
7. Use a drill and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit
to drill the two mounting holes in the landing gear
door block.