Watts Autotrol Magnum (CV+ Series) User Manual

Page 44

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6.7 Explanation of Parameter Values for the 962 Single and Parallel Tank Controls

This section contains a detailed explanation of the programming parameters in the 962 electronic control.


Description of

Program Values



Time of Day and Day
of Week

The day of the week is displayed with the time of day in the far left digit. It is programmed at P1, the same
as the time of day. The day of week will automatically increment at midnight. This will allow correlation to
the daily usage history stored in L7 through L13 to days of the week. Customer should use day 1 = Sun-
day through day 7 = Saturday. Then L7 will hold the usage history for Sunday through L13 holding the
usage history for Saturday. The daily averages stored in the L-values will still be updated at the time of
regeneration, not midnight. This is required to keep an accurate record for reserve capacity needed at the
time of regeneration. Customers should understand that the L-value displayed for the average water
usage for Sunday “day one” will be the average water usage for Sunday at 2:00 a.m. to Monday at 2:00
a.m. assuming the time of regeneration is set for 2:00 a.m. Customers can reduce this two hour shift by
setting the time of regeneration to 12:01 a.m.


Time of

If P15 is set at 0 (smart reserve), the unit will check at the P2 time to see if the smart reserve capacity has
been reached. If it has, the unit WILL regenerate at the specified P2 time. If the capacity display reaches

zero gallons (m


) at any time during the day, the unit will NOT regenerate until the specified P2 time is


If P15 is set at 1 (fixed reserve), the unit will check at the P2 time to see if the fixed reserve capacity (P16)
has been reached. If it has, the unit WILL regenerate at the specified P2 time. If the capacity display

reaches zero gallons (m


) at any time during the day, the unit will NOT regenerate until the specified P2

time is reached.

If P15 is set at 2 (smart reserve with immediate regen), the unit will check at the P2 time to see if the
smart capacity has been reached. If it has, the unit will regenerate at the specified P2 time. If the capacity

display reaches zero gallons (m


) at any time during the day, the unit WILL regenerate immediately. It will

ALSO continue checking at the specified P2 time to see if the fixed reserve capacity has been reached,
initiating a regeneration at the P2 time if it has. If the fixed reserve is set to zero, the unit will ONLY
regenerate when the capacity display reaches zero.

If P15 is set to 3 the unit will operate almost exactly the same as if it were set to 1. The only difference
when set to 3 is that if the capacity were to reach zero at any time the unit will initiate an immediate
If calendar override is used P14), the unit will regenerate every 1 to 30 days at the specified P2 time.

Fixed Reserve: Fixed percentage of capacity defined by user (gallons) (m



Smart Reserve: 120% of the daily average (gallons) (m


) calculated from historical values stored in



Hardness of water

If the 962 controller is programmed at P12 to use U.S. units, enter hardness in grains per gallon (gpg). If
the 962 controller is programmed at P12 to use metric units, enter hardness in parts per million (ppm).


Salt Amount

Enter your TOTAL salt amount per regeneration. For example, salting at 10 lb (4.5 kg) per cubic foot on a

unit with 3 cubic feet of resin, enter 30 (10 lb/ft


) x (3 ft


) = 30 lb. salt. [(4.5 kg/ft


) x (3 ft


) = 13.6 kg salt].


Capacity of Unit

Enter the capacity of the unit here, in kilograins (kilograms). For example, a 3 ft


unit with a resin capacity

of 25,000 grains (1620 grams) per ft


, enter 75 here. (25,000 grains/ft


) x (3 ft


= 75,000 grains = 75


[(1620 grams/ft


) x (3 ft


) = 4860 grams = 4.86 kilograms].

Note: 15 lb/cu ft salting yields 30,000 grains/cu ft resin
10 lb/cu ft salting yields 25,000 grains, cu ft resin
6 lb/cu ft salting yields 20,000 grains/cu ft resin
Reduced salting yields a reduced capacity
1 kilograin (1000 grains) = 0.0648 kilograms (64.8 grams)


Refill controller

This value is the refill flow rate times 10, rounded to the next whole number. For example, on a 16-inch
tank, the refill control has a flow rate of 0.8 gpm. Calculate: 0.8 gpm x 10 = 8. Enter 8.


Brine draw rate

This is the injector draw rate times 10, rounded to the next whole number. For example, on a 16-inch tank,
the injector has a draw rate of 0.8 gpm. Enter 8 (0.8 gpm x 10 = 8).


Not used

P8 is reserved for furture use.


Backwash time

Self explanatory. Generally, 5 to 15 minutes or until water runs clear or specific water conservation needs
are met.