Watts Autotrol Magnum (CV+ Series) User Manual
Page 35

Changing a Program Value - Once the P value you
want to change is displayed, press the LEFT [
←] arrow
button to display the current entry for that value. To
change or modify the value, press the SET button. The
character on the right hand side of the display will begin
to flash. Use the UP [
↑ ] or DOWN [↓] arrow buttons to
select the desired entry. Once the desired entry is
obtained, press the LEFT [
←] button to move to the next
character and change as needed. Once you have
completed the appropriate changes, press the SET
button. When you press the SET button the new entry
is stored and the control automatically scrolls to the
next P value. If a beep sounds, the new entry was not
accepted. Tables I and II list the range available for a
specific program value.
Exit Mode - To exit the Level II programming mode,
simultaneously press and hold the UP [
↑ ] and DOWN
↓] arrow buttons for 3 seconds, or wait 30 seconds
without pressing a button, and the display will return to
alternate between Capacity Remaining and Flow Rate.
Level I Program Values (Table I)
Level I Program Values are identified by the legend on
the faceplate of the control. Each Level I P value has a
green LED that is illuminated when displayed.
Following are the Level I P values:
Time of Day
Time of Regen
Salt Amount
Time of Day - How to Change AM and PM
Press the SET button. The display will show the Time of
Day with the minutes digit blinking. To change this
number press the UP [
↑ ] arrow button to increase the
number or the DOWN [
↓] arrow button to decrease the
number. To skip the number without changing, press
the LEFT [
←] arrow button. The first digit will stop
flashing and the next digit will start flashing. You can
only change the flashing number. When the far left digit
is reached, pressing the LEFT [
←] arrow button returns
the flashing to the far right digit. Continue changing
numbers until the desired Time of Day is displayed.
Press the SET button to enter the value.
Use the same procedure to modify any of the other
Level I or Level II P values.
The PM indicator is set when changing the left most
digit in the time display. The left most digit will be a zero
"O" or a "1”. When the PM indicator light is illuminated
the time will be PM.
Level II Program Values (Tables IIA, IIB, IIC, IID, IIE
and III)
The Level II Parameters are defined as P6 through P22.
The available range for the Refill Controller (P6), and the
Brine Draw Value (P7), may be found in the section
entitled Performance Data and Charts Section of this
manual (pages 55 and 55).
Table IV on page 43 lists the Level III historical data.
Manual Regeneration or Backwash
To initiate a manual regeneration or backwash, simply
press and hold the REGEN button for 3 seconds. If an
immediate second regeneration or backwash is
desired, wait for at least one minute after the first
regeneration or backwash begins and then press and
hold the REGEN button for 3 seconds. A second
regeneration or backwash will be performed
immediately following the first. The display will freeze
and only show the Regeneration Time Remaining as an
indication that the second regeneration or backwash
will be initiated.
When the first regeneration or backwash is complete,
the second regeneration or backwash will begin and
the display will alternate between Flow Rate and
Regeneration Time Remaining.
Note: Series 962M and 962S Twin Alternating Systems
have a two minute time period, after the manual
regeneration button is pressed, where the standby unit
drives to service. If an immediate second regeneration
is required of the OTHER unit in the system, wait for at
least three minutes after pressing the manual
regeneration button the first time, then press and hold
the REGEN button for three seconds.
Battery Backup
If the battery backup is provided with the Series 962
control, make sure that it is properly connected.
Reference pages 32 and 33. Water usage and time of
day will be maintained. The control has a trickle charge
circuit that will recharge a rechargable but not a
standard battery in the event it is depleted by a power