1 introduction, 1 instrument description – Metrohm 791 VA Detector User Manual

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1.1 Instrument description

791 VA Detector


1 Introduction

1.1 Instrument


The 791 VA Detector allows the use of electrochemical/amperometric

detection in IC and HPLC; various working electrodes are available de-

pending on the application. It can be used in series with another detec-

tor (e.g. 732 Conductivity detector) or simply as a «stand alone» detec-


The self-ventilating measuring cell functions according to the time-

proved wall-jet principle with three-electrode technology. A silver/silver

chloride system is used as the reference electrode and a solid gold pin

as the auxiliary electrode. The carbon paste electrode and the silver

electrode have proved to be the best working electrodes; but other

electrode materials such as glassy carbon, gold, platinum and impreg-

nated graphite are available for special applications.

The 791 VA Detector is available in the two following versions:

2.791.0010 VA Detector for HPLC

The measuring cell is built into the 656 Electro-



2.791.0020 VA Detector for IC

The measuring cell belongs to the accessories and

is built into the 733 IC Separation Center.