Metrohm 750 Autosampler User Manual

Page 50

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4.4 Error messages

750 Autosampler


"Source Undefined"

An error occurred but the origination is unclear or unknown. This

error should not occur. If it does, then a problem probably exists

with the ROM or RAM. Inform the Metrohm service.

"Unable to execute command while Method is running."

An attempt was made to select an operation that is not allowed to

execute while a method is in operation, e.g. a manual injection or

a manual rinse.

"Value out of range. Enter value between xx - yy"

A value was entered for a parameter that is not in the parameter's

allowable range. The value must be between xx and yy.

"Vial # already used in this Method."

The vial # mentioned has already been programmed in a previ-

ous step in the same method. With the 750 Autosampler a sam-

ple vial can only be used once for injections.


System error messages

"Cannot determine vial position."

RS-232: -30

The Autosampler is unable to determine the coordinates of a vial

location. Inform the Metrohm service.

"Needle Drive Motor Stalled"

RS-232: -32

The motor drive for moving the transfer needle up and down is

blocked. Remove the cause of the blockage (see chap. 4.4.1). If

the error still occurs please inform the Metrohm service.

"Needle Drive Motor Stepping Error"

RS-232: -31

The motor drive for moving the transfer needle up and down no

longer functions properly. Please inform the Metrohm service.

"No RS-232"

Reception error at the RS232 interface. Check the RS232 baud

rate (same value as 750 Autosampler), data bit (8), stop bit (1)

and parity (none) settings of the instrument connected to the

RS232 interface.

"Row X Drive Motor Stepping Error"

RS-232: -28

The motor drive assembly to move the needle carriage left and

right is not working properly. Inform the Metrohm service.

"Row Y Drive Motor Stepping Error"

RS-232: -29

The motor drive assembly to move the needle carriage forward

and backward is not working properly. Inform the Metrohm serv-



RS-232: -35

Unknown error. Inform the Metrohm service.