3 remedying malfunctions – Metrohm 750 Autosampler User Manual

Page 46

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4.3 Remedying malfunctions

750 Autosampler



Remedying malfunctions


Non-reproducible injections

Non-reproducible injections are usually due to problems such as fitting

leaks, plugged tubing, poorly swaged fittings, or submerged waste

tubes. In some instances, non-reproducibility may appear to be injector

related when, in fact, it is caused by other components in the chroma-

tographic system. Systematically analyze the entire system to assure

that efforts are expended on the proper component before undertaking

any repair.


Plumbing leaks are the simplest causes of non-reproducibility to detect.

Leaks affect reproducibility by diverting solvent from the column in an

unknown amount and requiring a longer time to elute the sample be-

cause of reduced solvent flow. Places to check for leakage are the

transfer tubing between the transfer needle and the injection valve, the

transfer needle, sample loop, and injector seals. Once the leak has

been found, either tighten the fitting or replace the fitting, should tight-

ening not be sufficient.

Plugged tubing

Plugs and partial plugs due to debris may occur in the transfer needle,

the transfer tubing, the sample loop, or the injector body. Plugs prevent

proper loading of the sample loop.
Disconnect both ends of the transfer tubing 88 and use a syringe to

force solvent through to check for blockage. There should be no diffi-

culty in forcing solvent freely through the tubing. Force solvent through

the transfer needle in the same fashion. There should be no difficulty in

forcing solvent freely through the needle. Replace the needle or the

tubing if either is plugged and resume operation.
Remove the sample loop from the injector valve body of the 733 IC

Separation Center and check it for blockage with a syringe if the prob-

lem persists. Partial blockage of the loop will prevent accurate and con-

sistent sample loading. Follow the procedures in the Instruction for Use

for the valve if loop replacement is necessary.

Poorly swaged fittings

Non-reproducibility due to dead volume caused by poorly swaged fit-

tings usually occurs after incorrect installation of new loops or other

connections or after changing previously swaged loops. A gap as small

as 0.05 mm between the end of the tubing and the shoulder inside the

female portion of the fitting will have a dead volume of 0.1


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OD tubing. This type of irreproducibility always exhibits one of two peak

height patterns. The patterns are observed by setting the 750 Auto-

sampler to make three injections per vial. In the first pattern, the heights

of the peaks in the first of the three injections tends to be smaller than

the heights of the peaks for the second two injections which are usually

about the same size. In the second pattern, larger peak heights on the