Metrohm 750 Autosampler User Manual

Page 49

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4 Notes – Maintenance – Faults

750 Autosampler


"Cannot execute! Autosampler is currently running."

An attempt was made to begin an operation while the Autosam-

pler is currently running an operation. For example, if a manual

injection is running and an attempt was made to run a method.

"Final vial # must be greater than or equal to start vial."

An attempt was made to program the final vial in a program step

to a value less than the start vial. The final vial must always be

the start vial.

"Maximum number of Steps for Method is 50"

All 50 program steps in a method have been programmed and an

attempt was made to add or insert a program step.

"Method Number does NOT exist!"

An attempt was made to run, delete, or copy a method that is un-


"Needle at lowest position. Select different vial."

An attempt was made to run a manual injection from a vial when

the transfer needle was currently in the selected vial at the lowest

needle position.

"Needle Stalled! Manual Injection not completed."

A needle stall occurred while running a manual injection. A nee-

dle stall generally occurs if the transfer needle hits an obstruction

when attempting to enter the vial. An obstruction may be from the

tray or sample vial being seated incorrectly or the vial cap getting

stuck in the vial.

"Needle Stalled! Needle & Loop Rinse not completed."

This error is identical to the aforementioned error except that it

occurs while running a manual rinse.

"No Steps programmed!"

An attempt was made to delete a program step in an unpro-

grammed method, i.e. the method contains no steps.

"No vials available! All vials have been used in other Steps."

An attempt was made to append or insert a program step but

there are no unprogrammed vials available. All of the vials have

been programmed in previous steps.

"Only ONE injection per vial allowed for a Quick Rinse."

More than 1 injection per vial was entered for a program step with

quick rinses. Only one injection per vial is allowed for vials with a

quick rinse because the transfer needle must leave the vial to in-

dex to the rinse vial immediately after injecting the sample and a

vial cannot be reentered after puncturing the vial cap.

"Priority Sample currently running."

An attempt was made to begin a priority sample while a priority

was already running.