1 instrument components, 2 additional devices, 3 intended use – Metrohm 864 Robotic Balance Sample Processor User Manual

Page 10: Instrument components, Additional devices, Intended use

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1.1 Instrument description




864 Robotic Balance Sample Processor


Instrument components

The 864 Robotic Balance Sample Processor has the following compo-

For the special sample rack with a capacity of 20 sample vessels (120
mL) with weighing pans and pipetting tip holder or other sample racks.

Two towers with lift
Tower 1 for sample preparation, tower 2 for the titration of the sam-

Two Swing Head drives
For controlling the two robotic arms.

Robotic arm with adapter
For picking up pipetting tips (10 mL).

Robotic arm with titration head
For the titration of the samples.

Two pump connectors per tower
For connecting external membrane or peristaltic pumps.

One stirrer connector per tower
For connecting a rod stirrer (802 Stirrer) or a magnetic stirrer (741 Stir-

Controller connection
For connecting a PC.

Two USB connectors
For connecting a printer, barcode reader or other control devices
(Titrando, Dosing Interface etc.).

Three MSB connectors (Metrohm Serial Bus)
For connecting dosing devices (Dosimat with exchange unit or Dosino
with dosing unit), stirrer or remote boxes.


Additional devices

Additionally used with the 864 Robotic Balance Sample Processor are:

Three 800 Dosinos

An 809 Titrando

An 843 Pump Station (model version with peristaltic pumps with rins-
ing and aspiration equipment)

A Precisa XR 205A analytical balance


Intended use

The 864 Robotic Balance Sample Processor is designed for the automatic
analysis of larger-sized sample series in analytical laboratories. The func-
tions of the automation system include the pipetting, weighing and titra-
tion of liquid samples. Its main area of application is the determination of
the Total Acid Number and the the Total Base Number of oils and other