Metrohm 756 KF Coulometer User Manual
Page 101

4.2 Remote control commands
756/831 KF Coulometer, Instructions of Use
Setup.AutoInfo.T.S ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.B ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.F ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.E ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.O ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.N ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.Re ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.Si ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.M ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.EP ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.T.RC ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.C.B1 ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.C.R1 ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.C.B2 ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.C.R2 ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.PR.B (only at 756)
Setup.AutoInfo.PR.R (only at 756)
Setup.AutoInfo.I ON, OFF
Setup.AutoInfo.O ON, OFF
ON means that the Coulometer reports automatically the moment the corresponding
change occurs.
Global switch for all set AutoInfo.
PowerOn: Simulation of power on ( Not from mains.
Messages from node .T, Titrator:
Ready: Status 'Ready' has been reached.
Go: Instrument has been started.
GoCommand: Instrument has received a go command.
Stop: Status 'Stop' has been reached.
Begin of method.
Final: End of determination, the final steps will be carried out.
Error. Message together with error number, see page 56ff.
Conditioning OK: EP reached.
Conditioning Not OK: EP not reached.
Request: In the inquiry of an identification or the sample size after start of
SiloEmpty: Silo empty, i.e. the last line has been removed from the silo
MeasList: Entry in the measuring point list.
EPList: Entry into EP list.
Results have been recalculated.
Messages from node .C, Comport:
COM1: A report is outputted on COM1. During this time, COM2 will be
blocked. COM2 is generally blocked, if COM1 is busy.
COM1 is ready again. (Comes also when you
.C.B2, .R2 Identical for COM2.
Messages from node .PR, internal printer (only at 756):
A report is outputted on the internal printer. During this time, COM1 and
COM2 are blocked.
The COM's are ready again. (Comes also when you
Messages for changes in the I/O lines. If the changes are made simultaneously, there
is 1 message. Pulses receive 2 messages: one message each for line active and in-