Installing grid center 4.11, Before you install – ClearCube Grid Center Admin Guide 4.11 User Manual
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6 • Grid Center Installation
Grid Center 4.11 Administrator’s Guide
please make sure that the current DCI is installed. The installed DCI version can
be verified through Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel. Versions
previous to 2.0.8 should be removed prior to installing Grid Center 4.11.
ClearCube Perl PlugIn—Grid Center 4.11 requires ClearCube Perl PlugIn
version 1.1. The correct version is provided on the Grid Center 4.11 CD. The
installed Perl PlugIn version can be verified through Add or Remove Programs
in the Control Panel. Version 1.0 should be removed.
Installing Grid Center 4.11
The Grid Center 4.11 Administration Console provides the capability of installing a
secondary, or redundant Console. The main benefit of this feature is that it allows
maintaining control of the managed systems if the Primary Console system fails or is
disconnected. When this happens, information about I/Ports and Blades is stored on
the redundant (Secondary) Console system, and replicated to the Primary Console
system when it is reconnected. Installation of a Secondary Console is not required.
Grid Center 4.11 provides two types of installation:
Grid Center Administration Console—The Grid Center Administration Console
should be installed on a Primary Console and a Secondary Console system. Only
one Secondary Console can be installed.
Grid Center Clients—The Grid Center clients are installed on the targeted
Blades and I/Ports once the Grid Center Administration Console is installed.
Note: If you are installing the Grid Center Administration Console on a Blade that
has Blade Manager 4.0 or higher installed, you should already have the
correct versions of Java, ActiveState Perl, and ClearCube DCI installed.
The Grid Center 4.11 All-in-One installer application checks for the necessary
components, and installs all components not detected. In addition, separate installers
for each application are provided on the Grid Center installation CD.
Note: If you already have Grid Center Console 4.1 or Grid Center Blade client 4.1
installed, do not remove or reinstall the Grid Center Console or Blade client.
Before You Install
Before you begin your installation, you need to gather the following information:
The version number of your Grid Center installation (if installed).
The name of the system to be designated as the Primary Grid Center
Administration Console, and the name of the system to be designated as the