Fine-tuning model c7130 c/ports – ClearCube C/Port & MVX User Manual

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C/Port Installation

2. Change the three color tuning switches from position F to position 1. The colors should be

in better alignment.

3. View the black-and-white test patterns. Adjust the Video Sharpness control for the

clearest picture.

4. View the color bar patterns. Beginning with the color bar that is the farthest to the left, turn

the color switches one click at a time until the vertical color bars are in the best alignment.

5. If desired, fine-tune the C/Port. See

Fine-Tuning Model C7130 C/Ports

” on page 16.

Tuning a C7120 or Earlier Model Connected to an R4300 Chassis

Do the following:

1. Verify that the three color tuning switches are set to position 1. Adjust the switches if

necessary. See

Figure 9

on page 13.

2. Open the ClearCube C/Port Tuning Guide (downloadable from the ClearCube Technology

Support Web site and shown in

Figure 10

on page 15).

3. View the black-and-white test patterns. Adjust the Video Sharpness control for the

clearest picture.

4. View the color bar patterns. Beginning with the color bar that is the farthest to the left, turn

the color switches one click at a time until the vertical color bars are in the best alignment.

Note: The screen may go black momentarily during tuning. If it remains black, verify that you

have not set a color tuning switch between switch positions, or that you have not set it

to position 0, which turns off that color.

Tuning a C7120 or Earlier Model Connected to an R4200 Chassis

Do the following:

1. Verify that the three color tuning switches are set to position 1. Adjust the switches if

necessary. See

Figure 9

on page 13.

2. Open the ClearCube C/Port Tuning Guide (downloadable from the ClearCube Technology

Support Web site and shown in

Figure 10

on page 15).

3. View the black-and-white test patterns. Adjust the Video Sharpness control for the

clearest picture.

4. View the color bar patterns. Turn the switches one click at a time until the vertical color

bars are in the best alignment, beginning with the color bar that is the farthest to the left.

Note: The screen may go black momentarily during tuning. If it remains black, verify that you

have not set a color tuning switch between switch positions, or that you have not set it

to position 0, which turns off that color.

Fine-Tuning Model C7130 C/Ports

Use these instructions if more tuning is needed:

Following manual or Auto-tune completion, any color switch set to its original positions (1 for

manual, F for Auto-tune) may be fine-tuned one position counter-clockwise (1 to 0 for

manual, F to E for Auto-tune). If a turn results in better vertical alignment of the color bars on

the tuning guide, alignment is complete. If not, the fine-tune switches should be returned to

their original position, and alignment is complete.