Rockwell Automation 2708-DH5B2L_DH5B4L Attended Workstation User Manual
Page 176

Appendix M
Application Library Subroutines
The menu string is a string in which each menu entry is preceded by a “ | ”
(vertical bar). Thus a menu$ such as:
“Payment Type: | Mastercard | Visa | Amex \ “ + ” | Other | Cash“
has 5 entries; “Mastercard” is the 1st entry and may also be selected by
pressing M. “Cash” is the 4th entry and may also be selected by pressing C.
Note the use of “ \ ” to start a new line (the fact that the string was made by
adding two strings together cannot be detected by Menu%).
The actual menu displayed will look like:
Payment Type:
The startingitem% is a value of 1 to 10, to indicate wh ich entry should be
selected first. Note that the global EXITOFFSET% is set to the entry which
was selected at exit.
e = Menu% ( startingitem%, menu$ )
FUNCTION Menu% ( sitem%, m$ )
Returns the natural log of a value.
x! = LogE! ( x! )
FUNCTION LogE! ( x )
Returns the base 10 log of a value.
x! – Log10! ( x! )
FUNCTION Log10! ( x )
Returns e to the x
x! = Exponential! ( x! )
FUNCTION Exponential! ( x )
Returns x to the power of y.
z! = Power! ( x!, y! )
FUNCTION Powerl! ( x, y )
Returns the cube root of x.
x! = CubeRoot! ( x! )
FUNCTION CubeRoot! ( x )
Returns the square root of x.
x! = SquareRoot! ( x! )
FUNCTION SquareRoot! ( x )