Rockwell Automation Arena Users Guide User Manual

Page 68

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Expression that evaluates to a resource name to be seized.


Number of resources of a given name or from a given set that will be
seized. For sets, this value specifies only the number of a selected
resource that will be seized (based on the resource’s capacity), not the
number of members to be seized within the set.

Selection Rule

Method of selecting among available resources in a set. Cyclical will
cycle through available members (e.g., 1-2-3-1-2-3). Random will
randomly select a member. Preferred Order will always select the first
available member (e.g., 1, if available; then 2, if available; then 3).
Specific Member requires an input attribute value to specify which
member of the set (previously saved in the Save Attribute field).
Largest Remaining Capacity and Smallest Number Busy are used for
resources with multiple capacity.

Save Attribute

Attribute name used to store the index number into the set of the
member that is chosen. This attribute can later be referenced with the
Specific Member selection rule.

Set Index

Index value into the set that identifies the number into the set of the
member requested. If an attribute name is used, the entity must have a
value for the attribute before utilizing this option.

Resource State

State of the resource that will be assigned after the resource is seized.
The resource state must be defined with the Resource module.

Queue Type

Determines the type of queue used to hold the entities while waiting to
seize the resource(s). If Queue is selected, the queue name is specified.
If Set is selected, the queue set and member in the set are specified. If
Internal is selected, an internal queue is used to hold all waiting entities.
Attribute and Expression are additional methods for defining the queue
to be used.

Queue Name

This field is visible only if Queue Type is Queue, and it defines the
symbol name of the queue.

Set Name

This field is visible only if Queue Type is Set, and it defines the queue
set that contains the queue being referenced.

Set Index

This field is visible only if Queue Type is Set, and it defines the index
into the queue set. Note that this is the index into the set and not the
name of the queue in the set. For example, the only valid entries for a
queue set containing three members is an expression that evaluates to 1,
2, or 3.

