Rockwell Automation Arena Users Guide User Manual

Page 142

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To begin a drawing, browse to the Process Simulation template, which the Process Simu-
lator installs in the Program Files\Rockwell Software\Arena\Visio folder. This dialog box
typically appears when you first start Visio, or you can bring it up via the File > New >
Choose Drawing Type > Browse Templates

The Process Simulation template sets up the Visio environment to work with Arena and
opens a new drawing. Drawings that are started with this template will automatically
display the Process Simulation stencil, provide custom dialog boxes for editing shape
properties, and add a Simulate menu to Visio for checking your drawing and transferring
it to Arena.

The Process Simulation stencil, which is opened with your new drawing, contains shapes
that will capture your process flow and data. The shapes mirror those in Arena’s Basic
Process panel, so you can use Visio to define fully a model of your process, including all
of the parameters needed to exploit the power of simulation analysis.

The first 14 shapes in the Process Simulation stencil correspond to the Arena flowchart
and data modules with the same names. In addition, the Visio stencil contains five
connector shapes for properly defining the process flowchart.

It’s important to start

your drawing by

browsing to the

Process Simulation

template, rather

than opening or

starting a new draw-

ing and directly

attaching the

Process Simulation

stencil. If you don’t

start your drawing

with the template,

custom dialogs and

other features may

not be available.