Animate the mortgage review clerk resource – Rockwell Automation Arena Users Guide User Manual

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Animate the mortgage review clerk resource

During the simulation run, our Mortgage Review Clerk resource can be in one of two
states. If no mortgage application entity is in-process, then the resource is idle. We’ll use a
picture of a person sitting at a desk to depict idleness. When an entity seizes the resource,
the Mortgage Review Clerk’s state is changed to busy, in which case our picture will show
the person reviewing a document.

1. Click the Resource button on the Animate toolbar.

2. The Resource Placement dialog box appears. Select the Mortgage Review Clerk

from the drop-down list in the Identifier field so that this object animates the
Mortgage Review Clerk.

3. Open the Workers picture library by clicking the Open button, then browsing to the

Workers.plb file in the Arena application folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\Rockwell
Software\Arena) and double-clicking on it.

4. To change the idle picture:


Click the Idle button in the table on the left.


Select from the picture library table on the right the picture of the worker sitting


Click the Transfer button between the tables to use the worker picture for the Idle
resource state.

5. To change the busy picture:


Click the Busy button in the table on the left.


Select from the picture library table on the right the picture of the worker reading a


Click the Transfer button between the tables to use the selected picture when the
Mortgage Review Clerk is busy.

6. Click OK to close the dialog box. (All other fields can be left with their default values.)

7. The cursor will appear as a cross hair. Move it to the model window and click to place

the Mortgage Review Clerk resource animation picture.