Rockwell Automation 1746-QS,D17466.19 SYNCHRONIZED AXES MODULE User Manual
Page 34
Publication 1746-6.19 March 1998
| Run State |
| Axis 1 Jog Retract Machine Oneshot |
| (Jog Pushbutton Example Storage |
| + interlocks AUTO_MODE Bit AXIS1_MODE |
| B3:0 B3:0 B13:4 +COP–––––––––––––––+ |
|–––––––––] [––––––––––––––]/[––––+–––––––––––––––––[OSR]–––+COPY FILE +–+–|
| 4 14 | 5 |Source #N12.30| | |
| | |Dest #O:2.0| | |
| | |Length 6| | |
| | +––––––––––––––––––+ | |
| | | |
| | Axis is jogging | |
| | B13:3 | |
| +––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(L)–––––––––––+ |
| 0 |
| |
| When the operator releases the jog pushbutton (or the interlocks intervene), the |
| SPEED for the current move is set to zero. The output image table still contains |
| the motion profile from the start of the jog, so setting the SPEED to zero will |
| cause the module’s target generator to ramp velocity to zero at the DECEL rate. |
| |
| The IN-POSITION bit in the status word for the axis will not be set unless |
| (by circumstances) the final actual position is within IN-POSITION counts of the |
| |
| Axis 1 Jog Extend Axis 1 jog Retract |
| Axis is Jogging (Jog Pushbutton (Jog pushbutton |
| AXIS_JOGGING + interlocks) + interlocks) AXIS1 SPEED |
| B13:3 B3:0 B3:0 +CLR–––––––––––+ |
|–––––] [–––––––––––––––––––]/[–––––––––––––––––]/[–––––––––––+–+CLEAR +–+–|
| 0 3 4 | |Dest O:2.3 | | |
| | | 6000<| | |
| | +––––––––––––––+ | |
| | | |
| | Axis is Jogging | |
| | B13:3 | |
| +––––––––(U)–––––––+ |
| 0 |
Responds to Hydraulics On/Off
The purpose of this sample is to help you consider how to handle typical
events that may occur when hydraulic system power is cycled.
When hydraulic power is lost and the module remains powered , the
axis may be allowed to drift or to be moved manually. The module
interprets this axis motion as following error, so when hydraulic power
is restored, the module attempts to return the axis to the In-Position
band which may cause significant unexpected motion.
ATTENTION: To guard against unexpected motion when hydraulic
power is restored, the moment that hydraulic pumps are turned Off your
ladder logic should take precautions to help prevent valve null and
integrator windup from accumulating. Precautions include:
– detect that hydraulic power is Off
– issue a halt (“K”) command) to stop axis motion
and disable valve null and integrator update
– lock out any movement commands such as Go or Jog
When the hydraulic pumps are turned On, your ladder logic should:
– issue a Go (“G”) command to its current position (This restores Null
Drive and Integrator Drive from before the halt command was issued.)