Weidmuller WI-I/O 9-L: Wireless I/O Transmitter / Receiver v1.3 User Manual
Page 13

WI-I/O 9-L Configuration Manual
WI-I/O 9-L Wireless I/O
page 13 of 108
The receiver receives messages and updates its outputs according to the radio messages.
When the module receives a radio message, the yellow LED on the front panel flashes.
The receiver provides one analog output (4-20 mA), and three discrete relay outputs. The
receiver also provides two status outputs, indicating module OK and communication failure.
Module OK output
The module OK output remains on while the module is running and its system status
indicates the system is working correctly. The LED marked
on the front panel is green
when the system is working correctly and red otherwise.
Communication failure output
The communication failure output turns on when the WI-I/O 9-L-R receiver does not receive a
message within a user-configured time. Each output has a “comms-fail” timer that resets
each time it receives a radio message for the output. If the timer associated with any of the
outputs reaches the configured timeout value (i.e. indicating no message was received in the
user-configured time) the communications failure output is set on. The LED on the front panel
marked CF also indicates a communication failure.
Front panel indicators
Each output has an indication LED on the front panel of the module indicating the status of
the output. Each of the three discrete outputs also has an associated green LED that turns on
when the output is on. The analog output has an associated red LED (marked
) that turns
on when the analog signal is zero.
The receiver sets each output according to the value specified in the messages it receives.
The unit also records the time of the most recent received message that addresses each
output. If no message is received within the configured timeout for the output, the receiver
indicates a communications failure for the output. When an output is in communications
failure, the associated LED flashes quickly and the module communication failure output turns
on to indicate a fault. The LED associated with the analog output for the purposes of
indicating communication failure is marked
on the front panel.
The receiver also records the signal strength of messages it receives. Pressing the button on
the front panel of the receiver causes the LEDs to light up showing a bar graph of the signal
strength of the last received message; red indicates poor signal, yellow indicates marginal
signal, and green indicates a good signal.