Weidmuller WI-I/O 9-L: Wireless I/O Transmitter / Receiver v1.3 User Manual
Page 10

WI-I/O 9-L Configuration Manual
WI-I/O 9-L Wireless I/O
page 10 of 108
For more information, see …
Lets you configure which inputs are sent to which outputs.
Mappings can be triggered on a change of state (event
reporting) or on a timed basis (periodic update).
Outputs can be physical outputs or Gateway registers.
Sending data to another station
using mappings on page 62
Discrete signals
Lets you monitor discrete (on or off) signals such as level
switches and alarms.
The WI-I/O 9-L-T has two discrete inputs. The WI-I/O 9-L-R
has three discrete relay outputs
Analog signals
Lets you monitor 4-20 mA and 0-20 mA current loop
The WI-I/O 9-L-T has one 0-20 mA analog input. The WI-
I/O 9-L-R has one 0-20 mA analog output
Setting unit sensitivities on page
Millivolt signals
Lets you measure millivolt signals (-10 – 100 mV) and
thermocouple signals with linearization for several different
types of thermocouple and cold junction compensation.
The WI-I/O 9-L-T has one millivolt input that you can use for
thermocouple input with or without cold junction
Working with thermocouple tables
on page 76 and Working with units
on page 43.
Pulsed signals
Lets you count the number of times an input turns off and
on, for example monitor pulses from a flow meter
Counting events by setting unit
pulsed inputs on page 71.
Lets you control a remote digital output depending on the
value of an analogue input compared to user-configured
setpoint values.
The WI-I/O 9-L-T supports:
Standard (fixed) setpoints
; and
Rotary setpoints
– that determines threshold values
using the position of the rotary switch on the module.
Setting setpoints on page 73.
System Status
Lets you activate an alarm if the internal self-monitoring
system indicates a problem, or if the module loses power
WI-I/O 9-L
Installation Guide.
Lets you activate an alarm if the module hasn’t received any
communication for a certain amount of time
Handling communication failures
by setting output reset times on
page 86
Lets you set the amount of time an input needs to have
differed from its previous value before it is recognised as
having changed. This helps with noisy signals.
Lets you set the amount of change required of an input
before the WI-I/O 9-L-T identifies the value as different from
its previous value.
Setting unit sensitivities on page
Unit details
Lets you create and update units and set unit-specific
Working with units on page 43.
For more information, see the next sections.