A. communicating via the serial control lines, Section, Or as analog voltage inputs for the slo-scope (see – Pololu USB AVR User Manual

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PuTTY is a free Windows terminal program that can send and receive bytes on a

serial port.

If you need to send and receive non-ASCII bytes, you can use the

Pololu Serial Transmitter Utility for Windows



You can also write a computer program to use the serial port. The freely available Microsoft .NET framework contains
a SerialPort class that makes it easy to read and write bytes from a serial port. Here is some example C# .NET code
that uses a serial port:

// Choose the port name and the baud rate.

System.IO.Ports.SerialPort port = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort("COM4", 115200);

// Connect to the port.


// Transmit two bytes on the TX line: 1, 2

port.Write(new byte[]{1, 2}, 0, 2);

// Wait for a byte to be received on the RX line.

int response = port.ReadByte();

// Show the user what byte was received.

MessageBox.Show("Received byte: " + response);

// Disconnect from the port so that other programs can use it.


6.a. Communicating via the Serial Control Lines

Firmware version 1.04 (released on April 29th, 2011) fixes a problem with the RTS and DTR control signal
outputs. If you want to use those outputs, you should upgrade your firmware to version 1.04. Please see

Section 9

for information about upgrading your firmware.

Firmware version 1.03 (released on December 22nd, 2010) inverts the TTL serial port’s control signals
so that 0 V corresponds to 1 and 5 V corresponds to 0, making it consistent with other USB-to-TTL-
serial adapters. Prior to version 1.03, the opposite convention was used.

In addition to transmitting bytes on the TX line and receiving bytes on the RX line, the USB-to-TTL-serial adapter
can use programmer pins A and B as serial handshaking lines of your choosing. Each pin can be configured as an

Pololu USB AVR Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

6. Communicating via the USB-to-TTL-Serial Adapter

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