Pololu USB AVR User Manual

Page 27

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test the connection by going to the Main tab and clicking the Read Signature button. This sends a command
to the target AVR asking for its device signature. If everything works correctly, you should see “Signature
matches selected device”. If the signature does not match the selected device, you probably have the wrong
device selected (or possibly your target device is turned off). If reading the signature fails entirely, please see
Troubleshooting (

Section 8

) for help getting your connection working.

Reading the device signature in AVR Studio’s Main ISP tab

Now it is time to program your target device. Select the Program tab. Your Input HEX File in the Flash section
needs to be the hex file that was generated when you built your program. You can browse for this using the
"..." button to the right of the input file text box. If you navigate to your project’s folder, you should find it as
“default\.hex”. Click the Program button (make sure you click the one in the Flash section, not
one in the “EEPROM” or “ELF Production File Format” sections!).

Pololu USB AVR Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

3. Getting Started in Windows

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