Pololu USB AVR User Manual

Page 25

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Note: You will probably want to customize this program slightly if the clock frequency of your
AVR is not 20 MHz. F_CPU should be defined as the clock frequency of your AVR in units of
Hz. If you do not make this change, the timing of delayms() will be off, but the LED will still

Make sure your USB AVR programmer is connected to your computer via its USB A to mini-B cable and then
click the Display the ‘Connect’ Dialog button on the toolbar. You can also accomplish this by going to the
“Tools” menu and selecting Program AVR > Connect….

Connecting to the programmer with AVR Studio

This will bring up a programmer selection dialog. Select AVRISP as the platform. The USB AVR programmer
uses AVR ISP version 2, which is written as AVRISPv2. Please note that this is not the same as AVR ISP mkII.
Select the port name of your programmer if you know what it is, or select Auto and AVR Studio will try all
the ports until it detects the programmer. You can determine your programmer’s port name by looking in the
“Ports (COM & LPT)” list of your Device Manager for “Pololu USB AVR Programmer Programming Port”.
Click “Connect…” to bring up the ISP window.

Pololu USB AVR Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

3. Getting Started in Windows

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