Pololu Simple User Manual
Pololu simple motor controller user's guide

Pololu Simple Motor Controller
Pololu Simple Motor Controller User's Guide
© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation
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Table of contents
Document Outline
- Pololu Simple Motor Controller User's Guide
- 1. Overview
- 2. Contacting Pololu
- 3. Getting Started
- 4. Connecting Your Motor Controller
- 5. Configuring Your Motor Controller
- 6. Using the Serial Interface
- COM Port
- TTL Serial
- 6.1. Serial Settings
- 6.2. Binary Commands
- Compact Protocol
- Pololu Protocol
- Mini SSC Protocol
- Trying the Binary Serial Interface
- 6.2.1. Binary Command Reference
- Exit Safe-Start (Serial/USB input mode only)
- Motor Forward (Serial/USB input mode only)
- Motor Reverse (Serial/USB input mode only)
- Motor Forward 7-Bit (Serial/USB input mode only)
- Motor Reverse 7-Bit (Serial/USB input mode only)
- Set Speed Mini SSC (Serial/USB input mode only)
- Motor Brake (Serial/USB input mode only)
- Get Variable (any input mode)
- Set Motor Limit (any input mode)
- Get Firmware Version (any input mode)
- Stop Motor (any input mode)
- 6.3. ASCII Commands
- 6.4. Controller Variables
- 6.5. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Error Detection
- 6.6. Daisy Chaining
- 6.7. Sample Code
- 7. Writing PC Software to Control the Simple Motor Controller