B.1. adding devices to atmel studio 6, Section 3.b.1 – Pololu USB AVR User Manual

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As your USB AVR Programmer programs the AVR, you should see all three LEDs flicker and you should see the
following text appear at the bottom of the window:

Erasing device... OK

Programming Flash...OK

Verifying Flash...OK

If there were no problems, the LED connected to PD1 of your AVR should now be flashing! Note that if you are
trying this on a 3pi robot and you have not yet soldered in the optional through-hole LEDs, the flashing LED will be
on the bottom of the robot. If there was a problem, please see Troubleshooting (

Section 8

) for help identifying and

fixing it.

3.b.1. Adding Devices to Atmel Studio 6

While the older AVR Studio 4 supports
programming a large number of



STK500-compatible programmers such
as the Pololu USB AVR Programmer,





programming a small selection of
devices by default. If you would like to
program a device that is not supported
by default using Atmel Studio, you will
need to add an XML file to one of
Atmel Studio’s directories.

1. Navigate to the directory where
you installed Atmel Studio and find the


subdirectory. By default, on a 64-bit computer this

will be

C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.1\tools\STK500\xml


2. Right click on


and select Edit to open it in Notepad.

3. Replace all occurrences of “ATmega168” in the file with the name of the device you want to program.
The device name you type should exactly match the name of one of the XML files in Atmel Studio’s


subdirectory, for example “ATmega328P”.

4. In the File menu, select Save As… and save it as




is the same

device name that you entered into the file, for example



5. Restart Atmel Studio. A new entry for your device should now be visible in the Device drop down box of the
Device Programming dialog. This should allow you to program HEX files onto that device from Atmel Studio
using the Pololu USB AVR Programmer.

Pololu USB AVR Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

3. Getting Started in Windows

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