C. programming avrs using avr studio 4 – Pololu USB AVR User Manual

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Finally, you should be able to press F5 to build your project and program the resulting HEX file onto your AVR!
Alternatively you can program by selecting either “Continue” or “Start Without Debugging” from the Debug menu.

3.c. Programming AVRs Using AVR Studio 4

This tutorial covers the older AVR Studio 4, which is no longer supported by Atmel. For a tutorial
on the newer Atmel Studio 6 see

Section 3.b

. For a tutorial on AVR Studio 4 for Orangutan

and 3pi robot users, see the

Programming Orangutans and the 3pi Robot from AVR Studio 4



The following tutorial covers the steps needed to program AVRs in Windows using AVR Studio 4 and a Pololu USB
AVR programmer. Specifically, we will write a simple program to blink an LED connected to pin PD1 of an AVR. If
you want to program an AVR that does not have an LED connected to pin PD1, the code in this tutorial may need to
be modified.

You will need to download and install several pieces of software:

Pololu USB AVR Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

3. Getting Started in Windows

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