6 working with, 7 glp data – Memmert CELSIUS 10.0 User Manual

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Working with


MEMMERT ovens with P fittings are equipped

with an integrated card reader for MEMoryCard

XL (32 kB). On each MEMoryCard, a tempering

profile with up to 40 ramps can be stored. This

tempering profile is then processed by the oven

on its own, i.e. without a PC connection. During

the profile sequence, the MEMoryCard saves the

actual data that are accumulated in electronic

form. For vacuum ovens or humidity chambers,

the vacuum or humidity actual values are saved

on the MEMoryCard . These protocol data can be

read out later on from the PC with the help of CELSIUS. The MEMoryCard is therefore a

transportable and interchangeable storage medium for tempering profiles and protocols.

More information on the MEMoryCard can be found in the user manual for the oven.


GLP Data

CELSIUS supports archiving and the printout of GLP

data (GLP = " good laboratory practice"). Global data

that is always to be used (e.g. company name and

Tested by), can be specified via " Settings→ Options":
This data can be modified and/or oven-specific details

can be added to it:

when running a tempering profile in the start

dialog (see page 35 )

if you create a protocol file (see page 39 )

at any time via "File→Preset GLP

Only digits and capital letters are

permitted in the field "Sample ID".

With "File→Show GLP Data" you can

have the currently stored GLP data
