Memmert CELSIUS 10.0 User Manual
Page 31

(= Setpoint wait). The oven waits for the end of the ramp seg-
ment until the required setpoint has approximately been reached.
Only then is the next segment processed. This command cannot
be applied for the final ramp segment of a tempering profile.
Which setpoint is involved depends on the oven, and can be
seen from the expression in brackets: spwt(t) = Temperature,
spwt(h) = Humidity, spwt(p) = Pressure etc.
Temperature for incubators (Ixx, INCO 2, IPP, ICP) and HCP humid-
ity chambers:
If this function is enabled, the next ramp only begins when the
setpoint temperature has been reached with a tolerance of
± 0.5° C.
Temperature for universal ovens, sterilisers and vacuum ovens:
If this function is enabled, the next ramp only begins when the
setpoint temperature has been reached with a tolerance of
± 2.0° C.
Vacuum for VO vacuum ovens:
If this function is enabled, the next ramp only begins when the
setpoint vacuum has been reached with a tolerance of ± 3 mbar.
For VO vacuum ovens, the SPWT function can be enabled sepa-
rately for temperature and vacuum.
Humidity for HCP humidity chambers:
If this function is enabled, the next ramp only begins when
the setpoint humidity has been reached with a tolerance of
± 2 % rh. For HCP humidity chambers, the SPWT function can be
enabled separately for temperature and humidity.
The tempering profile is repeated endlessly from the beginning,
until the user ends the tempering profile. This command can only
be applied for the final ramp segment of a tempering profile.
The tempering profile is repeated from the beginning n-times
(n: 1 ... 99):