Memmert CELSIUS 10.0 User Manual

Page 39

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6.2.3 Saving and loading protocol data (*. pro)

If the option " Create Log File" is enabled when a tempering profile is run (see page 35 ), the

protocol values are saved to the protocol file (*. pro) selected. You may also write the actual

value curve with the corresponding tempering profile later on to a protocol file if the protocol

option is not enabled in the start dialog of the temperature programme.

The protocol can only be saved

later for as long as it is displayed

in the graphics window.

To create a file for the protocol dis-

played, select "File"→" Save Protocol

Data"→"To File (*. pro)". In the win-

dow appearing, you can select the

protocol file (button "File") and GLP

data that are to be recorded. This

option is automatically enabed if GLP

data have been set (see page 9 ).
Protocol data saved in this way can
be re-opened with "File"→" Load Pro-

tocol Data"→"From File" or

6.2.4 Loading protocol data from the internal MEMoryCard of the oven

If the oven is equipped with a MEMoryCard, protocol data are stored on it. They can be read
in with CELSIUS via "File"→" Load Protocol Data"→"From Internal MemoryCard" or


6.2.5 Loading protocol data (*.bin) from the ring protocol memory of the oven

The oven saves all values measured over a long period automatically in its internal ring
protocol memory. These measured values can be read in with CELSIUS ("File"→" Load Protocol
Data"→"From Device ( Ring Protocol Memory)" or


When they are first read out, the entire ring protocol memory is read out and saved as a file in

the format *.bin. This file is write-protected. The preset directory for ring protocol files varies

according to the operating system. This can be displayed via "Settings"→"Open Common Cel-

sius Directory". The ring protocol data are located in the subdirectory of this, "FlashProtocols".

Reading out the protocol memory for the first time may take some time (up to 15 min-

utes), depending on the device runtime.