Tuning in position p+v mode, Tuning in position p+v mode. depe, 8 tuning in position p+v mode – Lenze IMSS500+ Simple Servo 500 600 i1000 User Manual

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SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4

9.8 Tuning in position P+V mode.


In this mode both settings for Position and Velocity compensation have full effect.

1. Make sure that drive is online (connected).
2. Make sure that the drive is disabled.
3. Set up your indexer (run program for SSi drives) to perform following move:
4. Move forward N steps, where N = number of steps to perform full motor shaft revolution
5. Move backward N steps, where N = number of steps to perform full motor shaft revolution
6. Set acceleration / deceleration to maximum your system allows.
7. Select then tool from node tree to engage oscilloscope.
8. On the Scope tool select:

• Motor Velocity as source for Channel 1

• Motor Velocity error as source for Channel 2

• Timebase: 50mS

• Trigger: Channel 1, Rising

• Trigger level 0 Rpm

9. Select then from node tree and set P gain to 100 and I

gain to 20.

10. Select then from node tree. set P-gain to 10 and D –

gain to 5, Vff gain to 1.0, I-gain to 0 and IL limit to 0.

11. Enable the drive.
12. Run indexer and observe Motor Velocity
13. Using Velocity loop filter:

Slowly increase P-gain and watch for Velocity error waveform. Continue to increase P-gain
until you see that error waveform until you can make it look like as narrow pulse as possible.
Stop increasing gain if you see noticeable oscillation on a flat portion of either scope channels.
Slowly increase I-gain to minimize Velocity error on the flat portion of the Velocity error

14. Change source for oscilloscope’s Channel 2 to Position Error
15. Using Position loop filter:

Slowly increase P-gain and watch for Position Error waveform. Continue to increase P-gain
until you get minimum acceptable position error at the flat portion of the Position Error
waveform without oscillation. Keep on checking for Channel 1 waveform. It should be no
presence of any oscillation. In some system you can try to increase D-gain a little bit to
suppress oscillation caused by excess of P-gain, but you should use it as a last resource.

16. Vff gain normally should be at its default value of 1.0, I-gain normally should stay at 0 (infinity)

and I-limit should stay 0 as well.

17. Stop indexer and disable drive.

Remember that these are only initial settings for your system. Your application will likely

require fine-tuning. To optimize settings you will need to experiment with combinations of
all gains P,D and I and IL limit settings.