Configure ssi1000 simpleservo drives, Or to section 9.3 for ssi1000 drive – Lenze IMSS500+ Simple Servo 500 600 i1000 User Manual
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SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
6. From the MotionView menu, select
7. Select
selected at 38400 and rest of the parameters at default.
8. Click
9. From
node tree of the MotionView’s screen.
You only have to set up properties the first time or whenever you change the port. Refer
to MotionView User’s Manual for details how to make a connection to the drive.
10. Double-click on the drive’s icon to expand parameter group’s folders.
11. Select motor you are using according to the Section 5.7.
12. Expand folder “Parameters” and choose operating mode for the drive. Refer for details to
Section 6.2.1 for details on operating modes.
13. Click on
appropriate for your motor.
14. Click on
appropriate for your motor.
15. Set up additional parameters suitable for operating mode selected in step 8. Refer to the
section to determine parameters suitable for current operating mode.
16. Optional. Select
17. Subgroup. Refer to Section 6.6 for details on compensation setup.
18. Optional. Select group from node tree. Set up drive’s I/O according to your system
requirements. Refer to Section 6.3 for details on I/O.
19. After you configure the drive, proceed to tuning procedure if operating in Velocity or Step &
Direction mode. Torque Mode doesn’t require additional tuning or calibration. Refer to Section
9.6 for details on tuning.
9.3 Configure SSi1000 SimpleServo drives
Before you can write programs and/or control SimpleServo SSi drives via Host Interface you must first
configure the drive for your particular motor and additional features if used.
Drive configuration consists of following steps:
• Motor Selection
• Mode of operation selection
• Drive parameters (i.e. current limit, acceleration/deceleration ) setup
• Input/Output (I/O) setup
• Velocity / position filters compensator setup
• Optionally store your settings in the file and exit the program
1. Ensure that the control is properly installed and mounted. Refer to Section 4 in this manual for
installation instructions.
2. Perform wiring to the motor and external equipment suitable for desired operating mode and
your system requirements.
3. Connect drive serial port TB505 to your PC serial port. (You can use any supported interface.
See MotionView User’s Manual for details on how to make a connection
4. Make sure that the drive is disabled.
5. Launch MotionView software on your computer.
6. Connect RS232 serial cable or perform RS485 connection between SSi and PC (see User’s
Manual for details on how to make RS485 connection)
7. Apply power to SSi and Start MotionView program.