Encoder feedback, Tb504 - motor feedback input – Lenze IMSS500+ Simple Servo 500 600 i1000 User Manual
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SimpleServo 500/600/i1000 User Manual Rev 3.4
Encoder feedback
An encoder needs to have power supplied to it. Both front-end controllers and the SimpleServo each
have a +5 VDC supply voltage that may be used to power the encoder. The SimpleServo contains patent-
pending automated switching circuitry, which will power the encoder from a front-end controller if it is
present (through the ENC+ pin). If no supply voltage is present at the ENC+ pin, the SimpleServo will
switch its internal power (+5 VDC supply) to the encoder.
Use only +5 VDC encoders. Do not connect any other type of encoder to the SimpleServo
reference voltage terminals. When using a front-end controller, it is critical that the +5 VDC
supply on the front-end controller NOT be connected to the +5 VDC supply on the
SimpleServo, as this will result in damage to the SimpleServo.
• SimpleServo inputs are compatible with single-ended or open-collector type of hall sensors.
If you have these type of hall sensors just connect them to “HA+”, “HB+”, “HC+” and leave
“HA-,HB-,HC-“ inputs unconnected. You don’t need to supply pull-up resistors in case the
hall sensors are open-collector. Necessary pull-up circuits are already provided inside
SimpleServo amplifier.
• Encoder connections must be full differential. SimpleServo doesn’t support single-ended or
open-collector type outputs for encoder.
• An encoder resolution of 2000 PPR or higher is recommended for optimum performance.
TB504 - Motor Feedback Input
TB504 is a 15-pin DB connector that contains connections for Hall effect sensors and encoder feedback.
Refer to Table 5 for connector pin assignments. Encoder inputs on TB504 have 26LS32 or compatible
differential receivers for increased noise immunity. Inputs have all necessary filtering and line balancing
components so no external noise suppression networks are needed.
All conductors must be enclosed in one shield and jacket around them. AC Technology Corporation
recommends that each and every pair (for example, EA+ and EA-) be twisted. In order to satisfy CE
requirements, use of an OEM cable is recommended. Contact your SimpleServo representative for
The SimpleServo buffers encoder feedback through TB504 to TB506. Encoder channel A on TB506, for
example, is buffered channel A pin of TB504 inside the SimpleServo. The Hall sensors from the motor
must be wired to the 15-pin connector.