Operation – Lenze E94P PositionServo with MVOB User Manual
Page 85

Editing the Position Tuning Program
The Tune Position Program performs trapezoidal moves in the forward and reverse direction separated by
a defined pause (or time delay).
The Accel, Decel, and MaxV variables within the TuneP program define the ramps and steady state velocity
that will be used to execute the motion commands.
ACCEL = 500
;500 rps*s
Accel = Acceleration speed
DECEL = 500
;500 rps*s
Decel = Deceleration speed
MAXV = 20
;20 Rps
MaxV = Maximum
The size of each move and the pause between the moves is defined in the following lines of code. There are
two moves and pauses for the forward and reverse moves to be performed.
MOVED 0.25
;move 1 rev
MoveD = Move distance
wait time 200
;wait time to analyze ‘standstill’ stability
wait time = Delay period
MOVED -0.25
;move opposite direction 1 rev
wait time 200
;wait time to analyze ‘standstill’ stability
Adjust these parameters if required to best suit the application before going to the next step.
Compile and Download Indexer Program to Drive
In the [Indexer Program] folder in MotionView, select the [Load W Source] button at the program toolbar. The
TuneP program will be compiled and sent to the drive. Click [Run] on the program toolbar to run the TuneP
program. Do NOT enable the drive (via input A3) at this stage.
Oscilloscope Settings
Open the [Tools] folder]in MotionView and select the [Oscilloscope] tool. Click the [Set on Top] box to place
a checkmark in it and keep the scope on top.
In the Scope Tool Window, make the following settings:
Channel 1:
= “Position Error”
= as appropriate to the Error that results once the TuneP program is run.
Channel 2:
= “Target Position”
= as appropriate to the position move generated by the Tunep program
= as appropriate to the “Period” of the moves being generated.
= Channel 1, Rising Edge.
= 10 Pulses