INFICON DataFID Portable Flame Ionization Detector for Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) User Manual
Page 67
8. The union should be connected to the gas bag adapter. If it is not, then tighten the nut on the
adapter tube to the union.
9. Open the gas bag valve. Turn the knurled plastic knob counter clockwise to loosen it, then
use the knurled collar on the valve tube to gently push the valve tube toward the bag.
Figure 33.. Using the Gas Bag
10. Turn the regulator knob counter clockwise about half a turn to start the flow of gas. Fill the
gas bag about half full and then close the regulator.
11. Disconnect the gas bag from the gas bag adapter and empty the bag. Flush the bag a few
times with the calibration gas and then fill it.
12. Close the gas bag valve. Gently pull the valve tube away from the bag, and then turn the
knurled plastic knob clockwise to tighten it against the valve tube.
13. Remove the knurled nut on the adapter tube from the regulator.
14. Repeat this procedure, if necessary, to prepare a bag of zero air.
NOTE: Do not use the same gas bag or gas bag adapter for the bag of zero air. You will
contaminate the bag of zero air.
Locking Ring
Tube Stub
Gas Bag Valve
Injection Port
Septum Retainer
Replacing the Septum
Remove retainer and
replace silicone septum.
Place septum with
Teflon side down.
Replace retainer
Do not overtighten.
Overtightening may result
in needle blocakge
Replace septum after
5-10 injections.To replace
septum, turn retainer counter-
clockwise. For replacement
septa order Teflon bonded to
Silcone, diameter = .375" (9.5 mm)