INFICON MicroFID II Portable Flame Ionization Detector User Manual

Page 62

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4. Loosen the knurled nut on the reducing union of the bag adapter.

NOTE: Do not remove the nut from the union, as the Teflon ferrules contained inside the nut
may be lost.

5. Insert the tube stub from the gas bag into the knurled nut. Tighten the knurled nut and ensure
the tube stub is secure. If the gas bag is not secure, ensure you have inserted the tube stub far
enough into the knurled nut. Do not over tighten the fitting.


Over-tightening the Teflon ferrules will result in damage to the ferrules.

6. The union should be connected to the gas bag adapter. If it is not, then tighten the nut on the
adapter tube to the union.

7. Open the gas bag valve. Turn the knurled plastic knob counter clockwise to loosen it, then
use the knurled collar on the valve tube to gently push the valve tube toward the bag.

Figure 33. Using the Gas Bag

8. Turn the regulator knob counter clockwise about half a turn to start the flow of gas. Fill the
gas bag about half full and then close the regulator.

Locking Ring

Tube Stub

Gas Bag Valve

Injection Port

Septum Retainer

Replacing the Septum

Remove retainer and

replace silicone septum.

Place septum with

Teflon side down.

Replace retainer

Do not overtighten.

Overtightening may result

in needle blocakge

Replace septum after

5-10 injections.To replace

septum, turn retainer counter-

clockwise. For replacement

septa order Teflon bonded to

Silcone, diameter = .375" (9.5 mm)