Det-Tronics C7052J UV/IR Flame Detector used with R7494, R7495 Controller User Manual

Not compliant to FM 3260 (2000).
The R7495B/C7052J UV/IR Flame Detection System is
designed to provide continuous and automated fire pro-
tection in applications where the use of ultraviolet (UV)
or infrared (IR) detectors alone can result in unwanted
(false) alarms. The R7495B/C7052J system features a
flame detector that uses both a UV and a single fre-
quency IR sensing device mounted side-by-side on a
junction box assembly.
When used alone, a UV detector can respond to
sources of radiation besides fire, such as lightning, x-
rays or arc welding. A UV detector does not respond to
the radiation emitted by flickering hot objects. Likewise,
an IR detector can respond to infrared radiation sources
besides hydrocarbon fires, such as flickering hot
objects. An IR detector does not respond to radiation
from lightning, x-rays or arc welding. Since both UV
and IR sensors respond to hydrocarbon fires but have
virtually no false alarm sources in common, the
R7495B/C7052J UV/IR system provides reliable flame
detection while being virtually immune to false alarms.
The detector junction box contains a power supply and
signal processing circuitry for the sensors. A fire signal
is generated in the detector junction box and sent to the
controller only when a fire is simultaneously detected by
both the UV and IR sensors. Since the two detecting
elements independently monitor different portions of the
radiation spectrum and have virtually no sources of out-
put actuation in common besides fire, a high degree of
false alarm immunity is achieved. The controller contin-
uously monitors up to eight UV/IR detectors and ener-
gizes the appropriate relay outputs in response to a fire
signal from the detectors. Fire relays are provided in
the controller: two instant (alarm) relays, two delayed
(fire) relays, and a system fault relay.
Typical applications include:
— Transport loading terminals
— Offshore drilling and production platforms
— Tank farms
— Refineries
— Butane and propane loading and storage
— Pipeline compressor stations
— Turbine enclosures
— Aircraft Hangars
— Paint Spray Booths
— Chemical and petrochemical production
Detector Electronics Corporation 2003
UV/IR Flame Detection System
R7495B Controller
C7052J Detector
is Detector Electronics' Trademark for its patented Optical
Integrity Systems, U.S. Patent 3,952,196, United Kingdom Patent
1,534,969, Canada Patent 1,059,598.